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Tunisia President to remove Islam from its constitution as the official religion of the state.

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Tunisia President to remove Islam from its constitution as the official religion of the state.

By Naomisophyblog

A year after a coup d’état
in the African country of Tunisia, the
country’s President Cass Sayed is
going to approve a constitutional
draft that will end the recognition of
state religion to Islam. According to
reports, the draft constitution will
be presented for a referendum on
Saturday (June 25, 2022).

The country’s president,
while speaking to reporters at
the airport, said, “In tunisia’s next
constitution, Islam will not remain as
the official religion of the state, but as an ummah (community).”‘

It is worth mentioning that the
North African country Tunisia is a
muslim-majority country and until
now the constitution had adopted
Islam as the state religion. But now,
the country’s President, Cass Sayeed,
wants to exclude Islam from the
state’s religion. Tunisia is a country
where, even though it has a majority
Muslim population, Islamic law Sharia is not followed there. Its legal structure is mostly based on European civil law.


In fact, Cass Sayeed dissolved
tunisia’s parliament last year and took full control of the country’s power in July 2021. Many politicians of the Islamic country have begun to oppose Sayeed’s efforts to separate Islam from the state. Rached Ghani, the leader of Tunisia’s Islamic Party Of India, said: “The biggest corruption in the state is atrocities and the remedy is to return to democracy and alienate the powers.”

Sadok Belad, former dean of Tunis
Law School, who is chairing the
Constitutional Drafting Committee,
had said there would be no reference
to Islam in the country’s new
constitution. He said more than
80 percent of Tunisia’s people are
opposed to Islamic politics and
against radicalization.

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