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5 min read

By Aridegbe Adedotun

Great achievers operate in deep and contemplative silence, letting their achievements speak for them. This is succinctly captured in an African proverb with all it’s enriching wisdom that ‘the river that makes no noise is the one that has the deepest waters and is capable of drowning a whole village’. This timeless insight reflects the notion that true leaders, much like the proverbial river, do not boast or make unnecessary noise about their modest achievements. Instead, their actions speak eloquently, and their effectiveness is manifest in the depth of their accomplishments rather than in the clamor of self-promotion. No where has this found true expression than in the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) under the amiable leadership of (Mrs) Carol Wura-Ola, the Comptroller General (CG), whose leadership style is characterised by quiet competence and impactful results.

It is no longer news that in recent weeks, the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) has experienced a groundbreaking transformation under the astute leadership of CG Carol Wura-Ola and the strategic guidance of the Minister of Interior, Dr. Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo. The clearance of over 190,000 passports in a few weeks is an unprecedented feat considering the suffering and exasperation of Nigerians over the years as they battle day in day out to register or renew their passports. For Nigerians who endured the agony of long queues, exploitation and endless excuses, this piece of news is not just welcomed but has restored their confidence in the system. No wonder, the number of Nigerians who trooped out to register and renew their passports has risen astronomically in the last few days. Nigeria Immigration Service under the current leadership of Carol Wura-Ola is indeed working and we thank President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for appointing a top achiever like Mrs. Carol Wura-Ola

Even as credit is deservedly given to the Minister of Interior, Dr. Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo for the ultimatum given to NIS upon assumption of office, this grand achievement underscores already ongoing comprehensive reforms in the NIS. What Dr. Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo did was to inject the political will and necessary resources needed to bring the reform agenda to fruition. It’ll therefore be a great disservice to deflate the timely intervention of the Minister and the morale it brought on officers and men of the NIS, seamlessly working in various passport and other establishments to make this a reality. Dr. Tunji-Ojo is indeed an experienced administrator and a valuable addition to the Tinubu team who is poised to make a difference and drive the renewed hope agenda in his ministry. History will indeed be fair to him for being part of this great success story.

There is indeed no doubt that this notable achievement is not merely a bureaucratic triumph but an indication of the solemn commitment of the current leadership to overhaul and improve the Nigeria Immigration Service and offer Nigerians patriotic service and stewardship. The current expeditious processing of passports reflects a dedication to efficiency, a quality that is crucial in serving the needs of the Nigerian people whose quest to connect with the international community through scholarship, business, vacations and medical care amongst others keeps increasing.

As the Public Relations Officer, I call on the general public to extend their moral support to these reforms. This is not the time to find ways of circumventing the system. The support of Nigerians at this moment will not only motivate the authorities but will also serve as a crucial factor in ensuring accountability and transparency within the NIS.There are still challenges to be encountered but it is through the collective effort of Nigerians that the NIS can navigate the challenges and complexities of governance to deliver a service that meets the expectations of the people. Again, let’s say no to touts and patronage of middlemen. It is antithetical and unpatriotic.

It is also common that differences in political and social affiliations of Nigerians is often used as a dividing force and those who permanently and mischievously identify on the other side of the block are vehement in refusing to acknowledge anything good on the other side. This is unhealthy for any country and it is hoped that Nigerians will go beyond what divides us and be united in supporting milestones like this. This support is invaluable and will play a pivotal role in sustaining the policies, programs and initiatives of other agencies, departments and parastatals for effective service delivery. It is true that there have been challenges but there will soon be light at the end of the tunnel. What has happened in NIS under CG Carol Wura-Ola is just the beginning. More reforms are underway not just in the Ministry of Interior but all other ministries.

It is essential to emphasize that the NIS, under the current leadership, welcomes constructive criticism and suggestions from the public. The open-door policy of (Mrs.) Wura-Ola encourages citizens to actively participate in the growth and improvement of the Service. This collaborative approach ensures that the NIS remains adaptable and responsive to the evolving needs of the society it serves. Even as Nigerians enjoy our expanding services and the deployment of state-of-the-art technology across the country to expedite passport procurement process, our dedicated customer care lines remain open for feedback and improvements. Nigerians deserve better and with the kind of support we are getting from Mr. President and the Ministry of Interior, more innovative services are certainly on the way.

As an internal control mechanism, the commitment to professionalism within the NIS is unwavering. The current leadership upholds a policy that mandates all personnel to adhere to the highest standards of professionalism. This culture of professionalism is not merely a short-term goal but a sustained commitment aimed at achieving lasting results. The leadership understands that a professional and dedicated workforce is pivotal to the success of any organisation, particularly one tasked with such critical responsibilities as the NIS. No wonder, there has never been any case of corruption or an unethical behaviour from any staff across the federation even as tempting as it could be considering the urgency with which many Nigerians sought our services. This is our standard and we pledge to uphold it in line with Mr. President’s zero-tolerance for corruption and graft.

In a nutshell, the recent strides made by the NIS under the leadership of Comptroller General Carol Wura-Ola with the generous support and direction of Minister of Interior, Dr. Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, are indicative of a nation and Service on the path of positive and holistic reform. It is our duty as Nigerians to actively participate in this transformative journey, offering support, suggestions, and constructive criticism, but above all, reporting saboteurs who seek to exploit every functional system to their advantage. Together, we can build a stronger, more efficient, and transparent Immigration Service that aligns with the collective aspirations of the nation.

Aridegbe Adedotun phd is the Public Relations Officer
Nigeria Immigration Service(NIS)

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