Primetime Reporters

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Revealed! How a herbalist bled to death after being bitten by his own dog

1 min read

An herbalist named Ani Ikoneto died after his manhood was bitten off by his own dog in Calabar, the capital of Cross River state.

The herbalist, who was said to have been drunk, suffered severe bleeding and pains after the dog bite, according to an eyewitness and a neighbor of the deceased.

The herbalist had already gone to bed when the eyewitness arrived from the fatal drinking spree, with some people still around and awake, according to an eyewitness who is a neighbour of the deceased, simply identified as Itoro.

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He claimed that the herbalist screamed after the dog bit off his manhood, and that his neighbors mistook him for a hoodlum before rushing to his home.

“When he came back, we had gone to bed, but some people were still outside,” the neighbor, who identified himself as Itoro, continued. He went into his room and fell asleep without closing the door, and he puked on himself due to too much alcohol.

“His outside dog smelled the poo and went inside to eat it.” During the process, the dog ate a piece of his privates, mistaking it for meat or excreta.”

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