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Niger’s Junta Orders Expulsion Of French Ambassador.

1 min read

Niger’s Junta Orders Expulsion Of French Ambassador.

By Naomisophysblog

Mohamed Toumba, one of the soldiers who ousted Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum

The Nigerien junta has ordered the police to expel the French ambassador, Sylvain Itte, from the country.

The Nigerien Foreign Ministry said it has revoked the diplomatic immunity of the ambassador.

This means that he no longer enjoys the privileges and immunities attached to his status as a member of the diplomatic staff of the embassy.

The Ministry also said the diplomatic cards and visas of the ambassador’s families have been cancelled.

Recall that Itte was last week given a 48-hour notice to leave the country for snubbing a summon by the Nigerien foreign ministry. The notice expired on August 28.

Read Also:Federal Govt To Shut Down Muritala Muhammed Airport October 1st.

France said the illegal junta regime in Niamey has no authority to order its ambassador to leave the country. To further the stance, French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday announced that the ambassador would stay in Niger.


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