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My Role In The Community Is To Serve The people, Promote Peace And Harmony- Eze Dr. Chika Nwokedi.

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My Role In The Community Is To Serve The people, Promote Peace And Harmony- Eze Dr. Chika Nwokedi.

By Onome Naomi

Speaking with the press, Eze Okpoko 1 noted that as an Eze, his role in the community is to promote peace and harmony as well as serve the people of Ijegun Ijeododo in his capacity. This had led him to visit some areas of concern within the Ijegun Ijeododo community to address matters to resolve.

HRM Chika mentioned the fact that every person in the community whether igbo or not should try as much as possible to develop lands bought or resell if not ready to build due to the increasing land grabbing issues brewing in that axis of Lagos. It is a general issue all over, this is why I encourage my people not to overstretch putting structures on their land upon purchase he said.

As a peace maker, he had sort to resolve a pending crisis within the igbo speaking committee, crisis which had led to a split that had created two factions of the Igbo Speaking Community in lagos State. As new as he is into the system he had gathered some vital information to help settle the scores on ground for all to live in peace and harmony. Over the time he will spend as a crowned king, he would always give listening ears to all asundry in matters resolvement to promote peace and harmony.

Recounting his achievements in the few months spent already on the throne, he had spread across his philanthropic prowess to better the lives of the widows and the less priviledged, provision of good water for his neighbours as well as create a comfortable passage routes by seeing to road repairs in order for all to have accessibility.

In terms of security, he was able to give adequate information about measures being taken to secure the area, rid of eventuality or lack of safety while he implores that the Nigerian Police Employs more men since the VIPs have taken hold of policemen who should protect the common man.

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HRM Also Implores all Ezes in Lagos to visit police cells once in a while to secure release for those with minor cases and sort out ways of rescue. Some he said are In cell due to debt or financial incapability to solve some financial obligations, some do not have whom to stand for them, it is also important to note that all whom God has blessed financially should always use what they have to bless the lives of people in need.

Read Also:Celebration Galore In Delta State As CP. Ari Decorates Newly Promoted Officers In Okwe, Asaba.

Finally, Eze Okpoko 1 advises all to get their PVC and vote according to their rights and conscience come 2023. People are suffering, hungry and dieing by the day due to bad leadership, every one should pray that the chosen one by God would emerge the next president of Nigeria, while also keeping peace and harmony in the society, he said.

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