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Italy’s former prime minister, Berlusconi, reportedly leaves €100 million to girlfriend in his will.

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Italy’s former prime minister, Berlusconi, reportedly leaves €100 million to girlfriend in his will.

By Admin

Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s former prime minister who died last month, has left €100million to his girlfriend and €30million to an associate with mafia ties – in a will described as ‘worthy of a soap opera’.

The billionaire, who was one of Italy’s richest men upon his death at age 86, also settled a dispute over which of his five children would take control of his business empire.

Meanwhile, his girlfriend Marta Fascina, who at 33 was 53 years his junior, has been left a huge sum, €100 million, despite the pair never tying the knot after his children dissuaded him.

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The three-time Italian prime minister, whose empire is estimated to be worth more than €6bn, also left €100m to his brother, Paolo, and €30m to Marcello Dell’Utri, a former senator with his Forza Italia party who served jail time for association with the mafia.


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