Go-Wellness Worldwide Celebrates the Outstanding Achievers of the Moment
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Go-Wellness Worldwide Celebrates the Outstanding Achievers of the Moment
By Onome Naomi
Go-Wellness Worldwide, a distinguished networking platform for Ruzu Herbal Products, is making history in the Nigerian space as they celebrate outstanding achievers of the moment in Lagos on Saturday April 13, 2024.
The aim of promoting notable networkers during its celebration of achievement stems from showing the genuity of the Go-Wellness working scheme that enables a partner or distributor to earn in millions of naira by recording progressive sales of the diverse brands of Ruzu Herbal products in the Nigerian and diaspora markets.
In the chairman’s opening speech, he said Go-Wellness Worldwide came into existence four months ago, in November 2023, with only 12 accounts but has recorded applauding success over time. The vision is centred on making a contribution to the function of humanity, leveraging each other for the success of one another. Dr. Roberts Onyemaechi Uzu added that the essence of the gathering is to celebrate all who have contributed to the success of Go-Wellness till date.
Onyemaechi revealed that Go-Wellness is not just a networking platform but distinguished in its aims as it focuses more on creating impact for end users as well as maintaining the value of productivity. He said the platform has built a system and procedure where people of like minds pursue a common goal: to simply grow organically. He envisioned Go-Wellness as the first-best network business in Africa.
Go-Wellness Worldwide recognition of principal achievers who have benefitted from its networking of products includes: Amb Ijeoma Chukwu (gold medalist), Dr. Collins, Ibeh Stanley, Amb. Theresa Jide Ogunlana (the 3 best networkers), Barr Ebenezer (best stockists), Ibeh Stanley, the overall winner for the Easter Go-Wellness promo who won N500,000, and others.
Dr. Dorris Yaro, aka “The Mother of Go-Wellness,” confirmed the genuity of the local content, which is embedded in the organic herbal product of Ruzu herbal remedies. Revealed two years ago, she advised Dr. Onyemaechi to put his production into networking, which is now a reality. Commends the effort of the company in employing the knowledge of researchers to ensure the product’s efficacy and extending its bandwidth of product distribution outside the Nigerian shores.
Amb. Ijeoma Chukwu, a gold medalist awardee on the Go-Wellness platform, noted that the company is unveiling itself in the Nigerian market to help people of all ages earn an income and become millionaires with a start-up capital of N10,000, which guarantees 100% earnings and can also qualify an earner for a house, car, and other valuable prices. She revealed that the products of “Ruzu” are registered with Nafdac and the American FDA to enable sales outside Nigeria’s shores. Encourages the unemployed to key into the vision of Go-Wellness and start earning from sales of Ruzu products.
Ogunlana Ebenezer stated that Ruzu Herbals has been in the Nigerian market since the 1990s, and he joined as a networker in 2003. Ruzu’s unpopularity in those early years was a result of the following factors: the product must be right, the marketing must be right, and lastly, the people must respond to it rightly, he said.
Describing the acceptance of Ruzu’s efficacy in the early years of its existence, Ogunlana reveals that Dr. Onyemaechi would give out his products for free to convince users of their potency, and he benefited from that free gift, which turned his health issues around to normalcy, as well as many other testimonies from users. Ogunlana also mentioned that the company has a new range of products still under review, and they are products for the heart, kidney, diabetes, and others.
Ajike Motunrayo Osho, a Go-Wellness distributor, affirms that the Ruzu brand of herbal products is one of a kind in Nigeria. Mention that it cures infection, fibroid (if not advanced), malaria, stroke, low sperm count, and other known ailments that have defiled orthodox medicine within 2–3 days after monitoring.
Jide Ogunlana said that as a biochemist by profession in 2000, he had an illness with affirmations from 5 doctors that he had 1 year to live but had lived for 24 years on, still counting with the help of Ruzu Herbal Bitters, which had helped remedy the lives of so many other persons.
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Speaking with journalists at the event, Dr. Uzu Onyemaechi Robert, chairman of Go-Wellness Worldwide Limited, MD Ruzu Herbal Products Limited, said Go-Wellness is celebrating achievers, the networkers who have done well in promoting the platform. Says the networking platform has a support system that cannot be manipulated but is fully automated to help members benefit with no losses.
He attested that in the last 4 months of Go-Wellness’s existence, the platform blossomed from zero naira to millions as earnings for outstanding networkers of Ruzu Herbal Products. Go-Wellness is the marketing aspect of Ruzu Herbal. The various brand of Ruzu Herbal products were originally launched and certified in November 2012, surpassing challenges to offer solutions for a healthy lifestyle.
Dr. Roberts Onyemaechi Uzu urges the government to pay more attention to manufacturers. He says SMEs contribute immensely to the growth of a nation and are the largest employer of labour, not necessarily oil and gas manufacturers, which seems to be the focus of the government. He also said the government needs to create a council for traditional doctors who practice phytomedicine like medical doctors to enhance acceptance. Herbal medicine has taken centre stage in primary health care, and the government needs to recognise that. In recent times, herbal remedies have surpassed Orthodox in efficacy and potency, as seen from various research studies, he added.
PrimeTime reports that the IT department of ‘Ruzu Herbal Products, handled by Nwaneka Dikedi and George Promise, has embellished the Go-Wellness brand with a notable identity in the public space. They disseminate information to reach the public by means of social media campaigns and redirection to the company website for needed products by consumers as an integral factor for advertisement.
The high-table personalities at the event include Mr. Oluseyi Ogunlana, the Anambra team, the Abuja team, the Imo team, Chairman Go-Wellness Dr. Roberts Onyemaechi Uzu, Amb Ijeoma Chukwu, Mr. Ibe Aka, Amb. Moses Aka, Dr. Mrs. Dorris Yaro, and others.