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Giving Joy Grants for Women Entrepreneurs

2 min read

Giving Joy Grants for Women Entrepreneurs

By Admin

…The Giving Joy is pleased to announce a call for applications for its grants program to strengthen & inspire women’s entrepreneurship worldwide.

Funding Information

Grants will range from US$250 to US$500 and are awarded in installments upon completion of specific deliverables.

Duration: The grant period is six months.

Eligibility Criteria 

You can apply for a grant from any country or state or territory in the world.

Women ages 18 and up.

You can use the grant to start a new business,or expand your existing business. You can also use the grant to start or expand a nonprofit, non-governmental organization (NGO), charity, or propose a specific activity or project you would like to implement.

You can propose activities in any field, trade,occupation, or craft. However, your business/organization/idea must focus on women, girls and/or families. And all activities must be LEGAL!

What is important to emphasize in the grant application?

Make sure you fill out ALL fields of the online application form. An incomplete application will not be considered.

Your proposed grant activities MUST have a social benefit to your community and MUST go beyond financial aspects of your business.  The more social impact you can illustrate through your idea – the better and the greater your chances of winning the grant.

They will NOT support activities related to the purchase of merchandise, stock, advertisements, or marketing.

Be as specific as possible, particularly regarding how you will use the grant funds. For example, if you plan on using the grant for a community event, a training, scholarships, etc. please include a detailed list of the activity you will develop including estimated costs,what the event will include, who is the target audience, and how the event will impact women, girls, and families.

Include, as much as possible, qualitativeinformation related to the grant impact (ex. training for 10 women, each women will train an additional 10 women, ultimately impacting 20 families and 50 children in the community).

For more information, visit Giving Joy Grants.

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