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Eze Chika meets with other prominent igbo traditional rulers in Lagos, moves to promote unity.

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Eze Chika meets with other prominent igbo traditional rulers in Lagos, moves to promote unity.

By Onome Naomi

In the move to unite the segregationism of Igbo leaders in Lagos, Eze Dr. Chika Nwokedi, chairman council of Ezes meets with BoTs/ Enthroned traditional Igbo speaking leaders. He visited the palace of Ezendigbo Ikeja HRM Agbawodikeizu Nwalozie Ikendigbo, Obi ukwu Ndi igbon of Ikeja local govt in company of Dr. Johnathan Nnaji and entourage to discuss the future of Ezes in Lagos. Obi Ndi Igbo Aboru, Eze Ephraim Nnemeka was also there at the palace.

Eze Chika stated his aims of going round to visit Ezes in Lagos, said he has a sole mission to make all subdivided factions to become one as he can’t bear to see things going all wrong due to disunity amongst the igbos. He also noted that there are two factions of Igbo Speaking unfortunately, due to disagreements amongst its leaders which has made HRH Chika uphold the mandate of creating that needed solidarity as he made a promise to God that after his coronation he’ll do everything possible to create a mend of the 2 broken factions of Igbo Speaking.

Eze Chika told Naomisophysblog that he has been making some random visits to Ezes in Lagos to ascertain the root cause of the issues therein causing division and how to create solutions to promote solidarity. Expresses how uneasy he feels about seeing this problems and not being able to tackle them wisely, says he will make no enemies but rather be a solution giver to the numerous problems arising amongst Igbo leaders, prays for unity.

He revealed his agendas for igbos in Lagos, says he will have a 7 man committee of lawyers that will represent the Igbos whenever issue arises with the law as long as an act of criminality is not perpetrated and for free of charge. These lawyers in the “seven man” committee will be paid by the council. There will also be an office for every Igbo man in Lagos to tender their cases which will be taken up swiftly by the lawyers to make sure justice is served without any fee attached as all expense will be paid for by the council. For this reasons there has to be peace and unity amongst the leaders, a reason for his random visits to know the root cause of problems arising as well as proffer solution.

There is also plans underway for a permanent secretariat for the Council of Ezes which will also accommodate offices for this Lawyers working for the Igbos

He further stated that it is a sad reality to see Igbo leaders in Lagos disintegrated and unable to solve the differences amongst them due to personal interest. They need to know this and know peace that one thing is sure “whatever anyone sows so shall he reap” Let the Ezes unite as one body.

He also revealed a second agenda of his mandate, he said he will employ the ideas of a 9 man committee who has the interest of igbos at heart to authorize accessible loans for igbos without collateral or interest to do business or solve a financial need, he has so many plans to better the lives of igbos in Lagos. Eze Okpoko also stated that as a leader in different capacities and organisations, he possess the prowess to make igbos in Lagos become happy again by profering solutions to the many problems arising. Says he had once needed help at a time in life and will support the cause of extending a helping hand at any given time to provide through various legitimate means.

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He affirms that he bares no grudges of enmity with any one, says he is only fulfilling the mandate set before him by God to keep the igbos in unity and as such, igbos in Lagos should also keep to the law of the land not go against it. With all this plans underway, he is sure the igbos will be happy as funds will also be released by well meaning igbos in diaspora who will be ready to give financial support massively to help businesses survive as well as start up capital to better the lives of the igbos in Lagos during his administration as the council chairman of Ezes. This great changes is achievable as I want my name written on the marble of gold on earth, Eze Nwokedi said.

Upon hearing the cause for the courtesy visit by Eze Nwokedi, HRM Agbawodikeizu the Ezendigbo Ikeja attested to the fact that the visit was a well welcomed one. He said as an arrow head, he tried to gather his flocks , members of the Ndi Eze Council in Lagos but due to personal interest of selfish motives they all fell apart and started forming small cabals thereby causing a discord amongst members. Also warned Eze Nwokedi as the newly elected chairman of Ndi Eze Council in Lagos to be careful of saboteurs and disloyalty in the Ezeship council who are only after him because he has something to give, most of them are backstabbers. He commended Eze Chika for his good work intended to bring peace and unity into the diversified fragment of a fold.

Obi Ndi Igbo Aboru, Eze Ephraim Nnemeka who was also there at the time of visit to the Ezendigbo Ikeja palace, welcomed and commended Eze Chika Nwokedi, said he has seen a lot of his recorded antecedents online and by words of testimonies from people, encourages him to keep up the good work. In the mission to create unity amongst the Igbos he advises Nwokedi to be wary of wolves in sheep clothings parading self as Ezes as they are not in any capacity entitled to the leadership positions attained under false pretence. Attested to the fact that Nwokedi is a versatile and magnanimous leader owing to the documentary of his leadership style. Commends his effort for making moves to unite the Igbo speaking traditional leaders in Lagos.

Chairman board of trustees Igbo speaking Dr. Nnaji also acknowledged the concerns of Eze Nwokedi on the subdivision of the leaders in fragments which doesn’t show any form of solidary but disunity as well as disaffection for one another. He also commended Eze Chika’s effort.

Eze Nwokedi said he will be honoured if this mission is achievable even if he is mandated to leave his present post as the council chairman just for peace to reign. Solidarity has motivated my moving around to forestall peace and unity, my happiness will be for igbos to live peacefully while maintaining productivity. The mission has not been easy due to the pride exhumed by some Igbo leaders who claimed to have spent many years on the throne, what matters is your achievement on the throne not how many years you have spent, hence my meeting with Nnaji and other Ezes is for the purpose of unity, he asserted.

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