Car Dealer Laments Intimidation of Igbos by his Lagos Landlord, Urges Lagos State Govt to Intervene.
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Car Dealer Laments Intimidation of Igbos by his Lagos Landlord, Urges Lagos State Govt to Intervene.
By Onome Naomi
Mr Victor Ogechukwu Manager of Gods Time Motors in the early hours of Tuesday June 27th, 2023 had his Landlord Prince Olumuyiwa Jejeloye barge into his business premises located at cele express to accuse his boys of committing a theft in Jejeloye’s plaza.
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Victor narrated that Mr. Olumuyiwa Jejeloye his supposed landlord had before now showed interest in reselling the landed property already sold by his mother to AU motors who originally owns the land with proper documentation to it. This property owned by AU was then sold to Victor Ogechukwu who now sells cars there in. Upon the landlady’s demise, her son Prince Olumuyiwa after inheritance, imposed affinity to sell the said landed property already occupied by the car dealer Victor, thereby forcefully evicting the real owners off their property for selfish gains. This had prompted the action from him to indict the Igbo occupants in criminal matters leaving his own boys out of the whole allegation.
Naomi Sophy Blog upon investigation realised that the landlord Prince Jejeloye called Okota police division swiftly as he points accusing fingers at the supposed caretakers of Gods Time Motors of being perpetrators leaving his own men out of the matter so as to impose the evacuation of the igbos from their business premises while the act committed was done in him ” Jejeloye’s plaza and not the business place of the Igbo car dealers.
The press men spoke with the phone shop owner Madam Lynda who was rather still grieving over her loss, says she rented the shop two years ago and started selling phones. Furthermore, the theft committed in her business place is a third attempt so far, recounting that the first attempt happened 6 months into her tenancy but the burgers couldn’t penetrate due to the protector mounted at the entrance of the shop. On the second attempt, they tried coming in through the door but could not open the padlocks and some barriers. In a third attempt as observed, the burglars succeeded as they came prepared, scaling into the shop through it’s roof, pulling off the iron barriers on the ceiling stole phones in varieties leaving behind some of their tools used for burgling.
Lynda Ekwulonu said, phones stolen from the phone shop includes high technology phones ranging from iphones to other phones worth over N3m in estimation. Madam Lynda confirmed that she doesn’t have the slightest idea who must have done this as everyone is a suspect. Lynda also revealed that she depended on the Landlord Prince Okumuyiwa Jejeloye to take actions like he said he would during the first attempt but the matter was swept under the carpet as nothing came out of the investigation. She also said the thief must have had a close monitoring as the shop has just been stocked with new phones. Urges the police to do their investigations as she can’t tell who had made her a target.
Madam Lynda stated clearly that she is not in support of pointing accusing fingers at some specific people for everyone is a suspect. While journalist were having a chat with Lynda, Prince Olumuyiwa Jejeloye the supposed landlord of the plaza stormed in from nowhere to seriously harass journalist verbally and attack physically thereby intentionally destroying LTV representative’s camera in the process of being physical with the journalist. A display of utmost disregard and arrogance to intimidate the journalist from investigating further on the incidence aimed at tribalism.
During investigation, it is evident that the 4 arrested was based on bias and intimidation as he already displayed towards the journalist. From Prince Olumuyiwa’s plaza , non of his security men or boys were arrested for questioning, a show of in balanced investigation on the part of the police who should have taken both security personals into custody not Victor Okechukwu’s boys alone as requested by Muyiwa’s imposition. We trust that the DPO in charge of Okota police division will carry out proper investigation by involving both parties and not one sidedly as seen after the burglary theft incidence as well as bring justice to the culprits.
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Speaking with Prince Olumuyiwa Jejeloye after the fracas, he spewed more venom insisting that the igbos were the perpetrators without evidence or admitting he also has security personnels in charge of his plaza and they should be brought in for questioning. He arrogantly insisted that the igbos must leave that land and go back to their village, a land sold by his own mother with documentations to it is not enough to stop his greedy intentions, as he further indulge in shielding his boys from any form of interrogation.
Mr Victor Ogechukwu hereby urges the Lagos state govt to step into matters of maltreatment of the Igbos after the 2023 General elections and call Lagos state landlords to order over the recent over zealous behaviour towards non tribe as he seeks for the release of his boys, affirms they are innocent of the allegations melted out on them.
As it stands the arrested 4 is based on allegation and no confirmed fact yet as at the time of this report.