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Buhari expressed sorrow over the deaths of 19 passengers in a road accident in Kano

1 min read

President Muhammadu Buhari has expressed sorrow over the deaths of 19 passengers who died in a road accident on Thursday along the Kano-Zaria highway.
As a result, he has expressed his condolences to the Kano State government and the families of those killed in the accident.

“I’m devastated and saddened by this unfortunate tragedy that claimed the lives of passengers who happily left their homes without any idea that it would be their last day on earth,” President Buhari said in a statement released by his spokesman, Garba Shehu, in response to the tragic incident on Friday.

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“The frequency of road accidents is particularly worrisome,” the President says, “and it calls for greater reflection on the importance of safety standards.”

“I understand that the accident was caused by speeding, and this account deeply concerns me. Our drivers must adhere to safety regulations because they are responsible for the safety of their passengers. President Buhari lamented, “It’s unfortunate that ours is a country where, despite regular public enlightenment programs by road safety officials, our obstinate drivers treat the issue with indifference.”

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He went on to say that adhering to safety standards and regulations can help save lives.

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