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Aswani Market Inaugurates New Executives As Eze Chika Preaches Peace Amongst Traders

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Aswani Market Inaugurates New Executives As Eze Chika Preaches Peace Amongst Traders

By Onome Naomi Onojaefe

Popular Aswani Market in Lagos, had its terminal Inauguration of new executives of Aswani Traders Association at its premises in Oshodi Isolo Loc. Govt Area on 10th, November, 2022.

The event attracted Royals and high profiled individuals from within its environs to witness the august gathering which included side attractions, classical musicals, the breaking of colanuts, observed prayers from different culture and religion. Many traders gathered in unity to observe and merry as new executives are sworn in to continue the achievement of the predecessors.

Dignitaries and royals in attendance includes representatives of HRM Oba Kabiru, the Osolo of Isolo, HRH Eze Chika Nwokedi Okpoko 1of Ijegun/Ijeododo and entourage, Representatives from the office of the Local Govt Chairman of Isolo, Iyaloja of Aswani, Alhaja S.O Aregbe -Olusesi, The first president of Aswani sellers association Samuel Nwagboo, The Outgoing PG of Aswani Market Association Mr. Franklin Sunday Nwachukwu and other invited guest.

The event started with the break of colanuts by HRH Chika Nwokedi as it is passed round for prayers. Thereafter, the outgoing President General gave an opening speech where he applauded the B.O.T members and Excos who has journeyed with him in absolute cooperation while he recounted achievements his administration was able to accomplish during his tenure.

The chairman of Isolo Loc. Govt’s speech was delivered by his Chief Of Staff, Hon Musibau as he congratulated the new executives of Aswani daily market on the occasion of a peaceful election. He appreciated the outgoing President Mr. Frank sunday for keeping a peaceful coexistence amongst the traders as well as the achievement accomplished and prompt payment of revenues due to the govt.

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Iyaloja, Alhaja S.O. Aregbe Olusesi also expressed gratitude in the peaceful election conducted. She gives more accolade to the election officials for a commendable display of efficiency, something other popular markets wish for but didnt get due to manipulation and violence. She encouraged the new executives to make it their ultimate goal to lead the association to greater heights.

Iyaloja further appealed to former executives to cooperate with the new executives to ensure a continuity of the achievement already put in place as cooperation is a vital role in achieving success. She urged the general members to live by good conduct in the market to enhance growth and development while she thanks all for the cooperation shown to her since she assumed office, promises to give a listening ears to advises and opinion to raise the standard of the market.

HRH Chika Nwokedi mounted the podium to speak about his mentorship for many years with the Aswani Market Association and his immense contribution during a previous electoral crisis as well as the roles he played to ensure peace as seen.
He expresses his profound desire to always see that peace is a virtue amongst the Aswani traders. He also adviced traders to give their utmost cooperation and support to the incoming govt of Aswani market by being in one accord not of hate, gossip, lies or malicious behaviour towards their new president, Mr. Remigius.

Eze Chika further advised The incoming president, Remigius that upon assuming office, he should be open to opinions,advice, never to judge before assessment of a matter and should always implore intuition in his leadership roles and responsibilities. He presented Donatus Remigius before iyaloja and pleads that she guides him accordingly devoid of sentiments and tribalism, take him as your son, Eze stated.

The inauguration took place with a call out for recognition, the presentation of certificates to the new Excos, swearing of oats of office to abide by the constitution of the Aswani Market Association and group photographs. Former executives congratulates the new executives while traders merried in jubilation as they welcome the new Excos in a grand style.

The names of the new Excos of Aswani Traders Association are:

President- Mr Remigius Ngharamike, Vice president- Mr Michael Ofoegbu, Secretary- Emeka Ani, Assit secretary -Mrs Peace Nwachukwu, Financial secretary -Michael Onwumere, Treasurer- Chukwuma Umeh, Taskforce Chairman- Chimezie Uzoaru, Vice Taskforce Chairman -Boniface ODURUKWE,Pro-Emeka Ede, Assistant Pro-Matthew Okoro, Provost-Mike Okam, Assistant Provost-Ikechukwu Okolie.


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